Tuesday, September 9, 2008

dear romina, 

new and pretty enjoyable cool kids song. 

i wish i had a secret talent. when i was younger, my friend rented a skating rink for his twelfth birthday. definite high point of my junior school career. my biggest regret as an eleven year old was having quit skating lessons before i could, well, skate. i still think it would have been so cool if i had nonchalantly put on my skates, did a couple laps of the rink and then flawlessly executed a triple axel like it was no thang, simultaneously wowing my peers and giving them the impression that i would be soo destined for greatness (if i was the type to care about that sort of thing.) sighhhh. i am secretly talentless.

kristi yamaguchi was my hero in the early nineties. tara lapinski can suck it.

in soviet russia, figure skate you!


your sister,


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